
[App] AppSync; Moving app data to a new device has never been Easier

Whether you just upgraded, wiped and flashed a new ROM, picked up a spare phone of the net or bought a new tablet, getting things the way you had them before can be a nightmare. There is nothing more irritating than starting up a new device and heading to the Play Store to get your favorite games to see you have to start all over again. Some games have cloudsync now, which makes it nice, and some of the backup utilities we have floating around offer Dropbox and Box sync, which is also nice. That doesn’t mean we don’t want or need other options.  Another wonderful application has surfaced from the brilliant minds over at XDA by developer chrulri. It has a simple name that tells you what it does so you can’t forget it, AppSync.

Using the same technology that UPnP and DLNA devices use, it is now easier than ever to cross sync your apps data from one device to the next over your Wi-Fi network. The application auto-detects devices on the same network that have the app installed. Toss in a passphrase, because all transmissions are encrypted, and you are off to the races. Now, the dev has tested it out with a small number of device ans apps, so there are chances that you won’t have amazing luck with transferring every apps data. It should easily send over all Angry Bird variants and Alchemy though.

The dev has a free version of the app and a Pro version. We suggest you give the free version a shot before you drop the cash for the pro.  The only difference currently is ads, but the Pro version should get a Bluetooth sync option in the future and possibly many other additions. The app does require root and Android 2.2+. Not all devices have or support multicast functions and is a hit or miss on some older devices. chrulri offers up some other little bits of info on his app description on the Play Store. Not all app data can be synced and moved, especially data that is encrypted or device specific.

If you are interested in taking it for a spin and seeing how well it works, or doesn’t, simply click or scan our usual QR code down below.

Application: AppSync
Developer: chrulri
Cost: FREE

Application thread at XDA