
[APP] Google+ Invites – Believe it, or Not

WOW, someone really went and did it. They took the prospect of expanding the Google+ network from the hands of the community to an application. I can understand the concept, I can understand the desire to help people get in, but did there have to be an app for that? Apparently so.  Looking at the number of downloads already, well over a thousand, I’d say the idea worked.

For those of you still suffering out there and dying to get in to Google+, this might be a great option. The overall idea is sheer brilliance. When I looked into the market about this app I found 2 others that are offing the same thing. Only difference is they are charging you to buy the app to send you an invite. That just seems morally wrong and quite possibly against Google’s policy. If you happen to know more about that please take a look at the other 2. HERE and HERE.

If there still are people that don’t know anyone that can invite them in, feel free to drop us a comment or an email if you would like.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Google+ Invites
Developer: The Big Byte
Cost: FREE