
App Inventor: Google Begins Granting Access To Beta

When Google announced App Inventor a few weeks ago, there was certainly a lot of excitement about it for developers and non-developers alike. This is because App Inventor is a great tool not only for learning programming, but for being able to create simple prototypes quickly, without the usual  programming in Java.

The App Inventor isn’t ready for the masses yet – it’s currently available as a closed beta on a sign-up basis. Phandroid recently received reports via twitter of people receiving access to the software. A few signees have even downloaded the App Inventor software and have started programming already.

Let us know if you have been granted access to App Inventor or if you have heard any further reports. Most

importantly, we would like to see demos of apps made with the App Inventor. I would really love to see how sophisticated and creative this tool can be. I am anxiously waiting for that “ACCESS GRANTED” email. I have a few app ideas and I am hoping this tool could help bring them to life!

Please post any related reports in the comment section.

If you’re interested, sign up at the App Inventor site.

Source: Phandroid