
APP OF THE WEEK: Beautiful Widgets 5.0

Alright widgetheads, time to check out Beautiful Widgets 5.0. LevelUp has revamped their popular widget app, bringing a completely new UI and tons more themes to choose from.

First off, when I heard that Beautiful Widgets was getting a complete overhaul, I was hoping for live animated widgets. I know, it is a lot to ask for, but I figured if one developing team would do it, it would be LevelUp. Beautiful Widgets has been around since the beginning, so I figured, why not? Sadly, they did not include animation to their widgets, so dreams of live animated widgets is still far off. They did, however, revamp their forecast screen that you get when pressing the widget itself. It is very pretty. The UI change is a complete plus. Designing the widget you want to have on your homescreen is made easier, and finding themes is simple and fast. There were always many themes to choose from before, but now it seems that the themes have doubled.

Overall this new version of Beautiful Widgets scores an A for the UI change. Check out for yourself, and check out the video review down below. Let us know what you guys think.

Application: Beautiful Widgets
Developer: LevelUp Studio
Cost: 4.99