
App Review: Nerdy Android Suite

Nerdy Android Suite screenshot

The first time I saw this widget, I was intrigued by it. It was a clever, and interesting twist on the normal Android icon with tons of ways to customize it. So, with that, I give you the Nerdy Android Suite.

Nerdy Android Suite was created and designed by developer HandlerExploit, owner and founder of; the website for which “Nerdy” is the logo.

So, to find out more about Nerdy and the Nerdy Android Suite widget, I went straight to the developer and here is the Q & A I had with him.

Q: What was your idea behind the Nerdy Android Suite Widget?

A: Originally, the Nerdy Android Suite was supposed to be a custom ProTips, revolving around my website, that was to be included in all my ROMs and then I got kind of annoyed by having the bubble[Protips text bubble] there all the time, so I created one without and the rest was history.

Q: Do you plan on adding more functionality? If so, what?

A: I do plan on adding a few key features in the future, and I’m also working with a few key developers to create their own custom overlays for Nerdy.

Q: How would I go about getting my own Nerdy overlay?

A: If you give me some specifics as to what you actually want, I could try and implement it into the next update. I’m open to any and all suggestions for add-ons and overlays.

Nerdy Android Suite offers many different features including:

  • The Nerdy Widget with 100+ overlay combinations
  • Nerdy Wallpapers
  • Nerdy Live Wallpapers
  • and a treat for developers, a DDMS Live Wallpaper

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Nerdy Android application. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Nerdy Android Suite
Developer: HandlerExploit
Cost: FREE

Nerdy Android Suite

What do you think of the Nerdy Android Suite? Let us know in the comments!