• News
  • 11 September, 2010

AppBrain App Updated, Adds Filters and Social Integration

Android Market search tool AppBrain has recently updated their app. In addition to an enhanced UI, you can now search for apps using the same variety of filters available though the website.

Another handy addition is the social integration. You can connect to your Facebook profile via the app to see which of your friends have AppBrain profiles, or you can view the profiles of popular users such as Leo Laporte or Lifehacker’s Kevin Purdy. Want to show off your apps? You can link your profile using email, SMS, or Twitter.

One of my favorite features of AppBrain which really isn’t brought up, is the simple benefit of your apps being tracked on an off site source. If you get a new Android, or if something unfortunate happens to your phone, your AppBrain profile makes it easy to retrieve all the apps you had.

If you want to download the AppBrain app for yourself, click HERE from your Android phone, or scan the QR code below. Want to know what the AndroidStory team is up to? You can check out the profiles for Simon, Salim, and myself.

Source: AppBrain blog