
Apple Bans Android-Specific Magazine App from App Store

With hypocrisy and censorship in tow this morning, Apple has thrown a huge banhammer at a magazine named Android Magasinet, centered around the Android operating system.

The application, created by Dutch publisher Mediaprovider, was banned for reasons currently unknown. For now, it’s all speculation. What’s the reason for the hypocrisy? Apple has approved other Android-specific applications such as Androidworld Reader.

In my own opinion, I have a feeling that Apple’s Guidelines for App Store submissions is somewhat clouded in their minds. I do not think they know where their imaginary censorship line lies and they have no idea when they are crossing it themselves.

What do you guys think about Apple’s censorship and banning of Android Magasinet? Let us know how you feel in the comments!

Source: Gaj-it