
Apple Music for Android is coming, according to leaked screenshots

Apple has never really bothered with porting iOS apps over to the Android platform – iTunes, amirite? However, times are changing, and despite Apple having the revenue lead on Android as a whole, the music streaming business is a completely different kettle of fish. Apple’s offering in this space, Apple Music, is still in early days, but has to compete with the well entrenched communities of Pandora, Spotify, and even Google Music. So it’s no surprise that Apple is looking at making Apple Music for Android, and that’s been alluded to in a number of leaked screenshots this week.

There doesn’t appear to be too much of a different between this version of Apple Music and the iOS version (not that we’d know what to look for), but you will notice the welcome presence of the Material Design hamburger in the top left and accompanying slide menu which suggests that Apple – or whoever they pawned off the porting job to – has made an effort to make Apple Music for Android at least look like an Android app in 2015. We have no idea when this will be made available, but chances are given that the app in these screenshots looks pretty advanced, we may be seeing Apple Music for Android sooner rather than later.

What do you think about the look of Apple Music for Android? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Mobile Geeks via TalkAndroid