
Apple, You’ve Just Been Moted

Amazon Puts iMini to Shame

On the front page

Apple has used the Android world as their whipping boy and inspiration for many many moons.  Manufacturers are really starting to take offense to it and this rage is starting to show.  Amazon, on their front page has put up an ad for the newest Kindle Fire HD with a list of specs that makes you wonder how and why Apple thought this product could compete with 2012 devices.  Maybe they would’ve had the chance to compete were they to have released this “device” a couple of years ago, however, innovation is slowly slipping away and with any luck so will market share and profits.  

Now, looking at the specs above, would you pay more for so much less?  I don’t think so.  It’s time to show Apple and the iSheep what real devices are all about, oh wait, that’s already happened and will continue to happen.  Innovation and creativity can’t be suppressed with law suits and threats, that’s already been proven.  

So, you tell me, Team Fruit or Team Green?  I think I’m going to roll Team Green, it just seems to be the wise choice.  Both now and for the foreseeable future.  


Source: The Verge, Amazon