• News
  • 17 August, 2010

Archos A28 Passes Through FCC

Archos has had their hands full, especially with their future plans to introduce their Generation 8 to the world. The smallest Gen. 8 device, the Archos 32, has just passed through the FCC and it’s looking like the Archos 32 wasn’t alone. It looks like Archos may have thrown a phone into the mix instead of their usual Android tablets. The Archos A28 looks to be sporting a 2.8″ touch display which doesn’t seem tablet worthy and there’s no word on if the display will be capacitive or resistive. The A28 device is also said to be rockin’ 8GB internal storage and have integrated Wi-Fi. Don’t expect too much power out of the 600mAh battery this little guy is equipped with unless you plan on not leaving the house. For more information click the source link to learn more about this little guy.

Source: Android Community

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