
Are the Gingerbread Cookies Coming Out Tomorrow?

We’ve heard all the chatter about Gingerbread. In fact it’s been building since the summer months. At first we thought Gingerbread was Android 3.0, and while there’s been no official word on the release number, we are confident that it is 2.3 and Honeycomb is 3.0

Gingerbread is supposed to be the next “handset” version of Android while Honeycomb will focus more on the lucrative tablet market. Earlier this week Nvidia CEO, Jen-Hsun Haung, highly criticized the Samsung Galaxy Tab’s utilization of Android 2.2 in its tablets and eluded to the fact that the highly anticipated Tegra 2 tablets would have one of the latter versions of Android.

The Gingerbread rumors came to a head this week with the cafe’s at the Googleplex putting Gingerbread cookies, all decked out in Android gear, in the ovens Friday.  We are hearing from several reliable sources, including Android Central, that Gingerbread will officially be announced tomorrow afternoon in a session with Eric Schmidt at the Web 2.0 conference.

Do you think this is it or are we playing the waiting game a little longer?

source: Androidcentral