So your bored with a simple sms popup right? Well how about having your phone notify you with a fancy little animation that looks like Michael Bay, the director of Transformers, made telling you that you have a message from your mom saying how much she loves you. Don’t like Transformers? Pops offers many different animations, from a Clark Kent looking fellow, opening his shirt revealing your notification to a pig snorkeling  underwater. Yes you read that right. I went through all the notifications and I must say, they are pretty sweet looking and run super smooth. I’m not going to lie I though, I thought it was a bit much. As much as I love my phone to pop out at me, I’m of simple tastes when it comes to notifications. When I received a text on my phone the transformer notification popped on and made me jump slightly. I nearly choked on the taco I was eating. Another cool feature is if you don’t want one of these animations, you can actually take a video of yourself and use that as your notification. I tested this out by screaming into the camera YOU HAVE A MESSAGE!. Intense, but if you want one of your kids to say something for your messages, I’m sure it’ll make the people around you say, aw how cute.

Overall it’s a pretty decent app. Not for everyone of course, but for those who just love their pretty little AMOLED screens, might get a kick out of the HD animations that it has. I’m still going to wait for the app that makes my phone grow little legs and has it jump off the table and hit me over the head with a frying pan. I can dream, can’t I?
Application: Pops For Your Alerts
Developer:Â Pops
Cost: Free