
Assassin’s Creed Pirates goes free along with new Cold Blood update

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Pirates isn’t what some might think. The first time I heard the title I was expecting a companion app to Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Instead, the title is a standalone game that puts you in the middle of the ocean battling ships and making a name for yourself. You also have various side missions where you go fishing, whaling and rescue people from the depth of Davy Jones locker. Sadly, I have let many floating sailor die.

Assassins Creed Pirates

Ubisoft has released a new update to the game today called Cold Blood. The expansion gives you access to new chapters in your story in the Arctic Seas. They have also tossed in a new crew member that is supposed to help you out with your plaguing resource problems. Ubisoft also makes mention that the update is ‘introducing legendary customization.’ Basically you can give your ship some upgrades.

The updated scenery is nice, so is the customization abilities. Interestingly enough the title has dropped its price tag too. In a blog post on Ubisofts website they announced, quietly, that the pirate title is now free-to-play on all platforms. Android isn’t the only OS getting special treatment. I am sure they didn’t want to raise to big of a stink since the title sat at $4.99 for so long. Many of you will be plenty upset about it and if it ruffles your feathers enough you may want to just request a refund through your Play Store order page. You may also want to be wary of updating too. Seems a few reports from the Play Store review section seem to have people losing their ships, saved progress and resources.

For everyone else that didn’t drop $5 on the title, or $0.10, now is your chance to give the high-seas battle game a chance.

Source: Ubisoft | AndroidPolice