
The ASUS Android Wear smartwatch may be announced at IFA 2014

Asus Android Wear smartwatchWe have previously heard that Taiwanese manufacturer, ASUS, is working on an ASUS Android Wear smartwatch, and it appears likely that the device could be announced at IFA 2014 in Berlin next month. Whereas the offerings from Samsung, LG, and probably Motorola too, have costed about $199 USD, it has been hinted that the ASUS smartwatch will undercut them all, priced at around $99-149; not too shabby. Furthermore, ASUS CEO, Jerry Chen, says he prefers the appearance of the ASUS offering over wearables from the other manufacturers (but of course he would!); frankly, it would be hard to out do the Moto 360 on style, but we’ll hold our reservations.

Chen also commented about the future of wearables at ASUS, saying:

“We’re dreaming big about the future of wearable devices, but the dream will not come true this year or in the first half of next year, because the market demand has not picked up”

And that’s probably true; despite the fact that we in the Android community have pored over the new and future  Android Wear devices, they have yet to become truly mainstream in the same way that smartphones have become part of our lives. Still, it’s an exciting time, and we can’t wait to see what ASUS brings to the table, particularly at such an attractive price point.

What do you think about the ASUS Android Wear smartwatch? Let us know what your thoughts are in the comments.

Source: Focus Taiwan via Phone Arena