
ASUS Nexus 10 Shows Up in PC World’s System


The Nexus 10 is due for a makeover, and it looks like ASUS will be the lucky ones to do so. An ASUS Nexus 10 showed up in UK PC World’s computer system today, and a Twitter user by the name of Rage06 leaked it out to the world. The new Nexus 10 is shown to be retailed at £349.99, but does not give us which variant it is for when it comes to storage.

ASUS, of course, made both generations of the Nexus 7, and I guess they did such a splendid job with those tablets that Google wants them to develop the big boy of the bunch. Either that, or Google did not want to have Samsung to continue in Nexus 10 development, because Sammy does not need anymore products. I doubt that would be the case, but this makes me wish the Nexus 5 was ASUS made as well, just so you could dock it with the Nexus 10 like you can with their Padfones. Let us know what you think.

Source: Android Police