• News
  • 20 October, 2011

ASUS pleases Transformer users, Ice Cream Sandwich coming Soon

I can already tell that there are going to be a lot of manufacturers announcing Ice Cream Sandwich headed to their respective devices. We heard about Sony Ericsson aiming to put the ICS OS on all of their 2011 Xperia devices, now we can add the ASUS Transformer to the list of devices expected to get updated. Just a little while ago ASUS let loose a tweet with a picture of the snazzy little ICS Android guys attached. Saying ” Coming to an @ASUS #EeePadTransformer near you… Stay tuned for dates.”

How exciting is that? Pretty darn exciting if you ask me. ASUS has a great track record for pushing updates out to their devices, especially the Transformer. I am willing to bet my kids that ASUS is the first to have ICS up and running on a table, at least a tablet that is already on the market. I wonder if they will get it up and running on the Transformer 2 before launch. Anything is possible.

Source: Twitter