• News
  • 22 December, 2014

ASUS starts teasing for CES 2015 with imagry of upcoming phone

CES 2015 is just under two weeks away. I have been meticulously planning my route, scheduling meetings, marking booths and company’s to check out. As usual, it is a very long and taxing process with limited resources and physical manpower. I do kind of like the torture though. As with every major tech event there are teasers that get pushed out to get a particular product or company brand out there in the headlines. ASUS is one of the more prolific teasing company’s that I can think of with plenty of short video clips and sly images of upcoming devices that they will showcase. This year they are going with a “See what others can’t see” and calling their press event “Experience 2morrow”

The video they have up points to the next ZenFone as being the big thing. I am sure they will have more than just one phone to show off though. I snagged the image below from the video above.

ASUS ZenFone 2015 CES

You can see this is just the outer shell as the camera lens is missing from the image. It would certainly appear that there is a volume rocker, or some sort of control buttons, on the rear under the camera. Think LG G3. At one point in the video you  can see what is most likely a dual-LED flash set up at the top, but I am not entirely sure that is the whole story. Originally I thought the quick glances at the circular censor/flash things was a closer look at the button, but after stopping it multiple times you can see they are what resides above the camera.

ASUS ZenFone CES 2015 2

ASUS ZenFone CES 2015

ASUS is very cryptic and they do a great job at getting our wheels spinning. The tag line of “See what others can’t see” can go in so many directions. I doubt it would be aimed at a dual-LED flash on the rear as plenty of devices have that. It could be a brightness or type of light that can light up more area or a greater distance. Their focus is on the rear so that leads me to negate thoughts of a front facing flash, but that is still entirely possible. We will just have to wait and see what ASUS has up their sleeves at CES 2015 come January 5th during the press conference, which is scheduled for 11 a.m. PST. I will be there in person for this one and will be sure to tell you all what the heck they are up to. You can also tune in through the link below and watch it live as well.