
ASUS Transformer Prime now shipping from TigerDirect Canada

ASUS Transformer Prime shipping information from tiger direct

Well, the saga that is the Asus transformer Prime may be over. After all the back and forth about possible Prime delays it now appears that tiger Direct Canada has now let pre-order customers now that the Transformer Prime has been shipped. Tiger Direct customers should see their order arrive  “by end of day” on the 21st. This news does come as some surprise after last weeks news that NCIX, Best Buy and Future Shop all announced that this Android powered super tablet would be delayed in shipping to pre-order customers.

Well it will be interesting to see if these ASUS Transformer Prime does make it to customers doorsteps in time for Christmas. Let us know in the comments if you pre ordered and if you got any confirmation of delivery and of course when it actually arrives!

Source: Mobile Syrup