• News
  • 21 November, 2011

AT&T and T-Mobile Merger Not Looking Good


Can’t we just have different carriers to choose from and not have one swallowing up another? Well unfortunately, that is just not how profit hungry businesses work. As for the AT&T and T-Mobile merger, not looking to good. So go away! Leave us alone! If only it were that easy.

According to a report out of Financial Times, a large number of analysts put the probability of the deal passing at under 50%, with some going as low as 20%. Wow. That is pretty bad. People are losing faith. Sure, this was not going to be an easy-going task to merge these two giants, but that is just bad predictions right there. This merger was supposed to take place in March of 2012, one year after it was announced, but AT&T has said that it will most likely be in the middle of 2012. Let’s get this done before the world ends guys.

A lot of the hiccups are due to lawsuits, T-Mobile’s third-quarter customer gains, and analysts predictions. AT&T is really going to have to work hard to get this merger going. Being a T-Mobile customer myself, I’m getting kind of worried about what is to come of all of this. What is going to happen when I try to upgrade? Will I have to start looking at AT&T plans? Is there going to be crazy fees for me to transfer over? I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. It does please me to hear that even after all of this, T-Mobile has increased customer gain. Rock on “T-Mobileians”! Let’s keep it gong!

Source: Android and Me