
AT&T back on the T-Mobile slamming wagon, new print ad trash Talking

I don’t know what it is about carrier and manufacturer negative approach marketing that makes me smile so much, but it often does. I love it when Samsung all but names the iPhone in commercials and ads. I love it when the carriers go for the jugular and down talk their competition. It might not be the best approach always, but it is one that will never cease to exist. Simply because it will hit the web and be everywhere shortly after it is out, regardless of how you feel about it.

AT&T T-Mobile ad
The latest print ad to land on the streets was a full page ad that was in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. The heading – “The truth about T-Mobile’s network.” Putting the claims out that T-Mobile has 2x more dropped calls, 2x more failed calls and has 50% slower download speeds compared to AT&T. I really wish we could read the fine print on the ad and see where they are getting that information. If for no other reason than to have the stats.

This is obviously AT&T’s response to T-Mobile Chief Executive Officer John Legere after he called AT&T’s network “Crap” at CES. He seems to be pretty happy about the outcome of the ad;

“Wow. Looks like we struck a chord,” Chief Marketing Officer Mike Sievert said in an e-mail. “AT&T doth protest too much. Glad they’re spending their money to print our name.”

AT&T also had a little bit more to say;

“T-Mobile’s advertising is a combination of misguided and just plain wrong,” said Mark Siegel, a spokesman for Dallas- based AT&T. The company’s ads today are “just a friendly reminder of the fact that independent third-party testing says AT&T’s network delivers faster speeds and fewer dropped calls than them.”

I have been a 10 year customer of T-Mobile my self. Sure there are hiccups, but even my friends with AT&T, Verizon and Sprint have issues. No cell carrier is perfect. Each has its perks and its drawbacks. I may not have 4G in my home town, but my bill for 3 lines is $120 and all have data. In my opinion it all comes down to what you want, need, where you live and travel. Heck, poor Simon Walker, AndroidStory’s site owner, has AT&T. He calls me on his way home and he drops me in the same two locations every time. FYI, he doesn’t live in the sticks either.

Source: Bloomberg Via Tmonews