
AT&T launching an Android device known as HTC Aria?

Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint are the carriers that love Android, they love to introduce new Android devices (Droid Incredible, HTC EVO, Nexus One), but what do you guys think about AT&T? AT&T only have one Android powered smartphone, the Motorola Backflip. A few weeks ago we saw the HTC logo on the AT&T Android home page, the question came out as if AT&T are not carrying any HTC device, then what’s the HTC logo doing over there. After few days, we see the HTC Legend passing FCC with AT&T bands, so we started to think that AT&T will carry this device, but still there is silence. After a time, we saw an Android powered HTC Slider with the AT&T 3G bands. According to Phonedog, AT&T is going to launch an Android 2.1 with HTC Sense powered device on June 7th (June again?) named HTC Aria, we have two devices in front of us, HTC Legend and the mysterious HTC Slider, may be the Slider is the HTC Aria, but who knows.

So folks stay tuned with us, the story will explode in upcoming days.

Source: PhoneDog