
AT&T Pegs December/January for Motorola Olympus

It looks like AT&T has acknowledged the rumored Motorola Olympus device which is reportedly rockin’ the NVIDIA’s Tegra 2 processor. If you need answers, just asking is apparently all you need to do to learn more information about an upcoming device as “Scott” gets a casual response putting the Motorola Olympus in hands around December or January.

We expect CES 2011 to be a device announcement/launch hotspot so even though ATTShare gives us a possible December time frame, we’ll look more toward early January for some news regarding this powerful device.

AT&T’s current Android offerings are thin if you’re a power user offering the Samsung Captivate as the only high-end smartphone. Surely, we’ll see that change in the coming months. (“Don’t call me Shirley” R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen).

For those of you on AT&T’s wireless network, is the Motorola Olympus on your post holiday shopping list?

Via: BGR