
AT&T’s Samsung Captivate Packaging Revealed

July 18th, the launch date for AT&T’s Samsung Captivate, is right around the corner, and at this point in the game, more information is usually discovered. Most of the time it’s interesting information regarding specs or exclusive carrier perks that continue to hype up the device before launch, but in this case it’s not so interesting. With the Samsung Galaxy S headed to the four major U.S. carriers, all of the low profile information has already come to light, so what other information is left? You guessed it, the packaging. Unlike Verizon’s Droid series packaging, AT&T always finds a way to lame it out (just like their devices). Keeping with the obvious, the text on the box says,” Samsung Captivate, a Galaxy S phone.” This is still going to be the best Android device on the AT&T network.

Source: Engadget

How many of you are getting the Samsung Captivate? If you’re not getting this device, tell us why in the comments below.