
AT&T’s Samsung Galaxy S II Ice Cream Sandwich update waiting in Kies

You have to love the amazing quality of communication skills that many of our carriers have. I mean, AT&T didn’t announce anything at all about an Ice Cream Sandwich update for the Galaxy S II. Why would they though, they want you to flock for the Galaxy S III. Since you all have to wait an additional week before you can actually pick one of those up in a retail store, you may want to get your S II updated while you wait. You wont be seeing a OTA pop up on your device to pick this update up, instead it is waiting for you inside Samsung’s companion software , Kies. That means you need a PC or Mac, a data cable and the ability to read to get your update running. You can grab the Kies Software here.

There isn’t mention of this update being available for any other S II variant on the carrier though. That leaves out the Skyrocket, at least for now. As for carriers, this news leaves the Sprint S II sitting in the dust. We could have sworn they were going t be the first to release it. Maybe they are to busy trying to get the S III shipped to worry about an update.

Source: Phandroid