
Aviate Launcher Brings a Google Now-like Home Replacement to Help you with your Day


A few ex Googlers have taken their Google knowledge they received and implemented that into a new third party launcher. Aviate Launcher is a new home replacement that brings that Google Now card look, as well as Google Now’s ability to predict what you need to get you through your day. This launcher has actaully been around for a little bit in alpha form, but now it has moved to beta and will probably start catching the eyes of users.

Aviate Launcher is not like your traditional launcher. You will not be able to customize wallpaper and icons like you would any other launcher. What they are trying to set out to do here is help you out with your busy day. The launcher will dynamically change to what ever is happening in your day, whether it be waking up in the morning, or when you are at work. It will categorize your icons to what is needed, as well as change the homescreen. It is similar to another launcher that was launched a little while back, but the name has eluded me.

Right now, Aviate Launcher is in beta form, so if you head over to install it, you will register with your email on your phone then have to wait patently for your invite. Droid Life did a nice review of the launcher, so check out their video below to see it in action. Let us know what you think of it.

Play Store Link