
Barnes & Noble launch NOOK Video as stand alone App

B&N Nook Video app for Android and iOS
If you don’t have enough options to buy and rent TV shows and Movies, Barnes & Noble has just added one more. NOOK Video was previously a standard app that was pre-installed on the Nook HD and Nook HD+ but is now available for Android devices on Android 2.3 (which should be most everyone) and up. Yes, it is also available for iOS.

For those of you out there that have or had a NOOK, you will be happy to know that you can now sync up everything you picked up on all your Android devices. That should give you a little peace of mind. The NOOK Video app is free in the Play Store right now. If you wish to give it a go or a quick look, just hit the link below.

Nook video Android App Nook Video app for Android
NOOK Video – Play Store Link