
Batman fans rejoice! Dark Knight Rises 3D Live Wallpaper for your Enjoyment

If you’ve checked out my weekly YouTube show, The Film Junkee, you would know that I am a die hard Batman fan. He’s been my favorite superhero since I was in diapers, which in fact were Batman diapers. I would wear them still if I could. DON’T JUDGE ME! Okay all jokes aside, I’m extremely excited for the next and final installment of the latest Batman series. They’re still filming the movie right now, but of course have teased us with a trailer of whats to come. At the end of the trailer, we see this awesome effect where we angle up on the buildings of Gotham which then take the shape of the bat symbol. Well how would you like that same effect as a 3D live wallpaper for your phone? Oh it’s so pretty. The developer Waikin has whipped up a 3D model of the buildings as they crumble. Who wants to come wait in line right now for the movie?!?! We only got 9 months to go!


Now you’ll have to fork over about a dollar for this one. There is a LITE version but it doesn’t have the crumble effect to it so if you really love the crumble effect just get the full version.

Application: Dark Knight Live 3D Wallpaper
Developer: Waikin
Cost: .99

Application: The Dark Knight LITE 3D Wallpaper
Developer: Waikin
Cost: FREE