LevelUp Studios has just released a new app to the Play Store. Well, not entirely new, but new for a lot of people. Their Beautiful Widgets
application has been a driving force on home screens for many years. As Android changed, so did the app. I think they have den a great job at keeping their app updated and relevant. Offering more widgets and themes then you can shake a fist at. Until today, the only way you could enjoy the widgets and the customization they offered you was to buy it. Sure, the current price tag of $3.49 is a pretty good price for everything you get. They have run a number of sales over the years that we are sure many of you used as your in to the app. Now, LevelUp Studios has a new free version of their Beautiful Widgets app.

The free version offers all the same features and functions of the paid version, with the exception that you need to earn GetJar gold to unlock them. Getting GetJar Gold is pretty simple. Just try out new free apps and spend the Gold to unlock features.

The free version gives you a pretty good taste of what the app can do for you. Here is what you get with its installation.
For free, discover a lot of function :
– A dedicated screen for weather forecast with beautiful animations
– Precise information for your location using Accuweather data
– 3 different kind of widgets : Clock, Weather and Toggle Wifi
– 10 downloads for beautiful themes in a database for more than 2000+ different themes
From there you can earn your gold and spend it to get more weather information, moon-phases, weather underground provider, more customization, more toggle widgets and a whole lot more. Of course you can skip the Gold part and just go straight to the Pro app for $3.49 and have it all. Feel free to pick up either one down below.
Beautiful Widgets Free Play Store Link
Beautiful Widgets Pro Play Store Link