
Beautiful Widgets updates, adds in multiple forecasts and web based skin Market

Beautiful Widgets is one of my personal favorite weather, clock, calendar combo widgets. It has always offered a great amount of settings, awesome weather opening effects and some great user submitted themes. With in just a few minutes you can change out the look of the clock, the weather icons and fonts. Not to mention the multiple widgets sizes to choose from. Today they have unleashed a new update bringing the app to version 4.01.

The update brings about the usual bit of bug fixes. Where the update really change things though is the ability to set and use multiple weather forecasts. While that addition is nice when monitoring multiple locations at once, it isn’t something that everyone needs to have. What really makes this latest update so fantastic is the new inclusion of a web-based skin market. Those millions of you already using this app know all about the skins available through the app its self. Now you finally have a location to browse and install those skins right from your computers web browser.

It is broken down by category, Super Clock, Weather, Battery and Toggle. Giving you an easy way to look through what available for you to take advantage of. The data base is even searchable. For those of you that may feel a bit more creative, they have added in a Skin Mixer. Here you can let the creative juices flow and created the clock skin to look how you want it to.  Setting the background, the Numbers Background, the Numbers, A.M / P.M. and the dots between the time. Each component section has a pretty extensive collection of items to choose from.

You will need to sign into the page at with your Google account so that you can send the skins to your device for use. You will also need to do the same thing in the settings on the app after you update it. You might also notice that settings section has been revamped as well and looks a bit more like Ice Cream Sandwich.

It is a really good update for LevelUp Studio to put out there, we think you might really start using more skins with the new web-based tools. Of course, if you don’t already have the app, then you will need to pick it up. There is some good news on that front as well.Beautiful Widgets is currently on sale for 50% of regular price. Pretty sweet deal for someone looking for a great set of all-inclusive widgets from toggles, to battery percentages and weather. You should check it out. Simply click or scan the QR code below to pick it up before the sale ends.

Application: Beautiful Widgets 
Developer: LevelUp Studio
Cost: $1.29