
Black Samsung Galaxy S III coming, or clever ploy to keep themselves in the News

The build up to the launch of the Samsung’s flagship device, the Galaxy S III, was pretty spectacular. Never have we seen so much talk about a device that kept so under wraps and guarded in the history of Android. Nobody knew anything and everyone was talking about what they thought they knew. Headlines across the web offered up rumored specs, leaked images and homemade renders. In the end, the Galaxy S III took the world by storm when it was finally revealed. But that was a little while ago. While sales are still up, Google took over the lime lite with the Nexus 7. Samsung knows they need to keep pushing the GSIII and keep people talking to keep sales up and the public interested. Samsung does a pretty good job of that.

The latest little post, slip up or cleverly planned marketing ploy came out of the Olympics and a photo on their Facebook page. No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, someone is indeed holding a black Galaxy S III. Or are they… There are a lot of things wrong with the picture. The black device being held doesn’t look real, as in physical, but more digitally placed. It doesn’t look wide enough, the center button is too low, the two softkeys aren’t visible and it looks thicker. Also the bezel appears to be thinner, and the image on the screen is pixelated. A reader from Unwiredview pointed out you can see a blue hue in the reflection of the back of the white one. It just doesn’t look real to us.

There is still further potential evidence though that a black Galaxy S III is still to come though. A new image showing a Carphone Warehouse internal product database list shows a new Galaxy S S3 Black entry. The original leak before the device was announced only showed the pebble blue and marble white.

So though the images pushed out through the Samsung Facebook page don’t look real, as in physical, it is still probable that Samsung has a black version on the way. When and where it will be released is a completely different story. If it does make its way out of the Samsung plants we fully expect it to sit overseas for a while. AT&T isn’t going to pick it up because they have their special Garnet Red version. We don’t see sprint or Verizon jumping on board anytime soon with another color option. T-Mobile might be the only carrier we would even consider as a potential U.S. seller of it. All of that is just guesses of course.

What do you think? Will Samsung push out a black SIII? Is it because changing colors is easy, or because the world was unhappy that there was no black model at launch?

Source: AndroidCommunity, Facebook, AndroidPolice