
Black & White Icons for Desktop VisualizR

This morning I shared with you a HOWTO article to get you started with using an app called Desktop VisualizeR (DVR). I added a few links to the bottom of the post for people to get started in bringing this new application to life and I thought I should bring a few of the icon packs that are available out there to the forefront.

This set of icons is by xda-member Crozzbow. They are simple black & white icons to be used with the DVR application. They are very clean and very nice looking. Crozzbow currently has 24 various icon images available for you to use on your home screen. Take a look below at just a few of them.

I have a feeling this new application is going to be a huge hit. We should start to see more and more icon packs being created for this in no time. I am already hooked.

If you would like to pick up these custom icon images, head on over to Crozzbows xda-developers page. Download the ZIP or the RAR file, unzip to your device and use DVR to set them up. If you missed the HOWTO on that app, follow the [LINK] back to the original post.