
Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and Green Emerald Galaxy S6 Edge are announced

I’m still a bit baffled about the whole practice of releasing coloured variants after the official release of a device, but apparently it must work. Samsung has today announced two new coloured variants of their barnstorming flagship duo, the Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and Green Emerald Galaxy S6 Edge. It hasn’t been announced exactly how much these version are going to cost or what regions they’ll be available in, but Samsung assures us that they will be available at some point and will be available in all storage sizes.

It’s interesting that Samsung would release one colour for one device and not the other – what if I want a green Galaxy S6 – but Samsung has gone to the effort of acquiring the services of British Psychologist Dr. Donna Dawson to analyse what kind of people would want these devices. According to Dawson, “People who opt for Samsung’s Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 are likely to be more self-confident, fastidious, discriminating, sensitive, exacting, and intuitive,” and “People who choose Green as their preferred color will tend to be balanced, loyal, hard-working, honest, benevolent and concerned for others.” If you are none of those things, then perhaps these aren’t the devices for you, apparently.

What do you think about the Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and Green Emerald Galaxy S6 Edge? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow via SamMobile

Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and Green Emerald Galaxy S6 Edge