
Box app finally updates to add basic functionality of move/copy files and folders plus More

Many of you should be familiar and users of Box. It is a cloud storage app much like Dropbox and GDrive. It has a few perks and few downside to it though. One perk is obviously the amount of storage you get for free right out the gate. While the 50GB promo for all Android devices is over, it is still up and running for LG, Sony Tablet S and P and Xperia devices until the end of the year. That is probably the only real upside to the service. The downside of limited file size, no streaming ability and no dedicated PC client also turns some users off. For an additional cloud storage though for pictures and files that you need, but don’t want to waste valuable space in Dropbox or GDrive to keep, it is a great choice.

Box did make an update last night to their Android app that finally added in some functionality that many of us would consider a basic feature. Finally you can manage your folders and files on your device with the ability move and copy files. They also added in the ability to select multiple files and folders with a simple long press. The update included some bug fixes and security improvements for good measures as well.

If you have Box installed you might want to hit the Play Store and snag your update. If you don’t, and have any of the mentioned manufacturer named devices above, you might want to snag it just for the 50GB of space. I know I use it to house all my older files and photos so my Dropbox account can stay cleaned up. Click or scan the QR code below to pick up or update the app at your leisure.

Application: Box
Developer: Box
Cost: FREE