Wallpapers are one of the simplest and easiest things one can place on their device to give it a little bit of personalized touch. You don’t need to be rooted, sporting a special device or have any coding knowledge to be able to change a wallpaper. There are a number of apps available on the market that help facilitate you in the search for that perfect background image. You can use your own photos or simply do a Google search for your favorite topic and find more than you can handle. What if you have a wallpaper that you absolutely love, but you wish it was a little bit different.
A new app has just hit the android market offering a new twist to your wallpaper selection. It is called WallRANDOM. It sounds like it would just randomly change your wallpaper backgrounds, but it doesn’t. The application allows you to take your favorite wallpapers or photos that you already have and use on your device and change the colors, effects and customize them a bit. Giving you ability to change that TRON logo from blue to red or green without having to search for the right wallpaper online somewhere.
The application comes in two versions. The free version offers you the basics, but is more than enough to get you going and keep you happy. If you are looking for all the features and function of this application you will want to snag up the PRO versions from the market. It is only$0.94. Extremely affordable for the what the application can potential do for you. Check out the short demo video that Mariux has prepared for you to see it in action.
It looks pretty fun. You should check it out.
Application:Â WallRANDOM – Wallpaper Edition
Developer:Â Mariux