
Brother in Arms 2: Global Front currently FREE in the Market, there is a Catch

Gameloft makes some pretty great games for our Android devices. Heck, they make some pretty great games in general. They have made some lapse in judgments when pushing a game to the market though. I can think of a few that we were all better off not hearing about. Although I am personally conflicted about the most recent release, I felt it must be shared so you can form your own opinions.

Today, Gameloft released Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front to the market free of charge. Pitting you back in the explosive battlefields of WWII, back when war was in your face all the time. Features of the game are rather expansive. Offering a single player campaign that is a must for any FPS style game. You get to take charge of 3 separate vehicles including a tank, off-road vehicle and glider. There are 50 missions to complete spanning 5 locations: the Pacific, Normandy, North Africa, Germany and Sicily. There are also a plethora of time period weapons available to keep you alive in the most desperate situations.

The game also features a pretty amazing multiplayer experience as well. Join up with up to 5 friends on five different maps in 3 different modes (Free For All, Team Deathmatch and Domination). The perk is you are not limited to only Bluetooth or friends on the same WiFi connection like other games. You have the ability to connect to any one of your friends at anytime via WiFi no matter where they might be.

After hearing how awesome it sounds and seeing some screenshots, I feel I must warn you ahead of time. As with any amazing game that hits the market for free, there has to be some sort of catch. Usually it is in the form of ads or in game purchases. In this case, in game purchases motivate you along. During campaign mode you earn medals and dog tags. If you die and have to restart a mission you use medals to do so. If you don’t have any medals to restart, then you get to spend some cold hard cash on some so you can get back in the game. I am not saying this is a terrible approach for developer to make some money on their games. On the contrary, I believe it is a rather lucrative option. They will make way more money from in-game purchases than if the game was $4.99. It also prevents pirating since the game is already free. I just wish Google or the developers themselves would make that clear in their descriptions in the future. You can get through a lot of the game with out spending real money, but you will have better success if you drop some coin.

I still think everyone should pick this game up and give it a try regardless of the in-game purchasing downer. It is still a great game and if you are good enough, then you won’t have to drop one red cent. Feel free to pick it up below and leave a report on if it worked for your device. There are a few reports in the comments on the market about it lagging slightly and other stating it won’t play at all.

Application: Brothers in Arms 2
Developer: Gameloft
Cost: FREE