
Business as usual: Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and new SmartWatch get leaked ahead of IFA 2014 announcement

Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and new SmartWatchOne thing that has always plagued Sony‘s device releases is the sheer number of leaks that happen prior to launch, and it appears that the release of the Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and new SmartWatch is no different. The image above was leaked by XperiaBlog and appears to show the existence of a mini-tablet, expected to be the Z3 Tablet Compact , and a rather slick looking wearable which we’re expecting to be the SmartWatch 3.

The SmartWatch in particular looks to be a very different design to its predecessors, and we know it won’t be running Android Wear thanks to Sony’s heavy investment into its in-house Android operation system, whereas the Z3 Tablet Compact looks to be a very familiar design. As depicted in the picture, the Z3 Tablet Compact looks like it’s going to be waterproof, and is expected to have a screen size of about 8-inches; last year’s SmartWatch was also waterproof so expect this new one to be the same. Both devices are expected to be announced at IFA 2014 in just a few week’s time.

What do you think about the Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and SmartWatch 3? Are either of these devices on your wishlist? Let us know your thoughts.

Source: XperiaBlog