
Carphone Warehouse in Spain lets loose a registration page for the 32GB Nexus 7

If all the leaks and rumors of ASUS and Google building a 32 GB Nexus 7 device weren’t enough to make you believe it was real, then how about this. Carphone Warehouse’s storefront in Spain has a registration page up listing the 32GB Nexus 7 device. So, ya, it is real and it is coming. It is listed at 279€, which translates to $360.85 U.S.

This is the first semi concrete bit of evidence that the 32GB device is real. We still don’t have ASUS or Google making an official announcement about it yet though. Hopefully that comes soon. The sign up page is just to get more information when it becomes available, other than the price listing there are no dates of any sort attached.

You can check the page out for your self here -

Source: AndroidPolice