LG Planning To Launch 3 Optimus Phones, But When?
We have heard before that LG wanted to launch 20 new devices by the end of 2010 and with their next three devices on their way,...
We have heard before that LG wanted to launch 20 new devices by the end of 2010 and with their next three devices on their way,...
The Motorola i1 has been flying under radar since the release of the HTC Evo and the recent press showing off their next 4G monster, the...
If you’re new to Android or thinking about trading in your current phone, why not check out Amazon Wireless? They have every phone and carrier in...
Chances are, you won’t be able to walk into your local Best Buy today and grab Sprint’s latest device, the Samsung Intercept as the device is...
The Motorola Charm has officially shown it’s face on the latest promotion offered by T-Mobile. The Back to School poster shows the Charm, along with their...
Samsung is definitely coming strong, as we’ve seen with their Galaxy S set to launch in 110 countries worldwide.  They are showing no sign of slowing as the...
Just six days ago, we reported that 100,000 units of the Samsung Galaxy has been sold in just six days. Samsung is claiming they have hit...
We previously heard about the HTC Vision, a phone that would be any Android lover’s dream. Also rumored as Project Emerald, possibly one last move to...
Usually, when the subject of Photoshop mistakes comes up, it’s in regards to ads where models have a little bit more or less than what should...
How time flies in the Android world. It seems like only yesterday I was updating my little Just Android Builds (JAB) spreadsheet on XDA listing a...
Continuing in the movie/phone tie-in theme, Verizon is offering the game Inception Mind Game free to Droid and Droid Incredible owners. Based on the movie Inception,...
This is an interesting development. Claiming to have pre-sold their estimated stock, as of Sunday, July 4th  Best Buy will again take pre-orders for the new...
Hey Chicagoans, have any plans this Tuesday night? If not, why not go to the HTC Meetup at Enclave? They’re going to have food and music...
The Droid X is going to hit the shelves on July 15th, and it’s rumored that the new Droid 2 is coming out on August 23rd,...
When a new movie comes out, the studio sends the starring actors around to do interviews. In the case of technology, it’s the CEO that goes...
Google has released the latest fragmentation charts, and there are some interesting changes. As expected, fragmentation is still and will always be an issue in some...
According to Gaurav Jain,  Android’s product manager, Google Music will launch concurrently with Android 3.0 aka “Honeycomb” at the end of 2010 or early 2011 possibly battle...
We have heard some stories about people and their handsets, but this is one of the best we’ve heard in a while. It seems the user...
The hacker community isn’t just about rooting Android phones, they don’t discriminate, as this eReader has now fallen victim to what talented members of the Android...
A CDMA Android handset was previously non-existent in India, until now that is. The Samsung Galaxy i899 is the first Android device with a CDMA radio...