
ChaCha Joining Iris Development to take on Siri Head On

When will it end? Now I am not going to go on an angry diatribe about how stupid I think the whole Siri craze is, but COME ON. Android has had this technology long before Siri hit the iOS. I know, it does not talk back to us, but so what. I guess it just creeps me out a little bit that my phone will develop a personality. Yes, I watch to many movies.

Well it looks like developers over at ChaCha are going to be putting their digital muscle behind the development of the Android version of Siri, Iris. Dexetra announced this week that ChaCha is going to bring Iris to new levels. What ChaCha represents is a massive question and answer database that works with different ways for people to ask questions. So this with Iris’ functionality, will bring Iris to some pretty chatty levels. Check out the conversation screen shots.



So for those of you that are still craving a personal assistant that talks to you on your Android device, let’s see what ChaCha can do to get that special friend in your pocket. If they can bring Iris up to Siri levels, I am thinking there will be some sort of Siri and Iris cat fight video in the mix. Might just happen on the ManDroid Show.

Source: Slashgear