
Check Out This Magnetic Cover for the Asus Transformer Prime Inspired By Origami

As we all wait for the arrival of the Transformer Prime, we can check out some accessories that will soon follow. Well how about an awesome magnetic folding cover  which will attach to the Prime’s aluminum frame and folds up to hold the tablet in portrait or landscape orientation. Based on the ancient art or Origami, this has got to be the coolest cover with the coolest functionality you will ever see.

Pretty slick design if you ask me. I remember doing origami in school and really not getting the hang of it. This developer has pushed the boundaries, creating a very unique cover for the Prime, that is looking better than the iPad’s Smart cover. At the moment you can purchase the cover at for 39.99 EUR and it hasn’t been said when it will ship to the states. I am seriously thinking about getting the Prime. With the keyboard dock and this wicked little cover, it is looking more and more tempting. Santa? I have been somewhat of a good little lad this year. I will leave you donuts instead of cookies this year for a Prime.
