
Check Out the Panono Ball. A Camera Ball that Takes Panoramic Pictures. [Video]


It is only the second of January, and my mind is already blown for the year. The Panono Ball is taking the camera to the next level. It is a ball, that you no doubt have guessed, but it is a ball that takes 360 degree panoramic shots. Might sound a little ridiculous, but after I watched the video, my mouth hit the floor.

The way the Panono Ball works is, you can basically throw the ball up in the air, and it will take that 360 degree picture. I guess you can also attach it to a stick to make sure you get the shots you want, or if you are bit weary about damaging the ball . You then can check the picture on your phone or tablet, and they have an app for the ball for both Android and iOS. What is really cool about the app, is that when you move your device, the picture moves with you. Pretty similar to street view, but then we get to the clarity of the photos. 108 megapixels on this beast, so camera enthusiasts are going to wet their pants about this slightly.

They started an Indiegogo campaign to raise $900,000, and they have already surpassed that number. Just shows you how awesome this truly is, and you can still contribute of you would like by heading over to the site provided below. Also check out the video to see the ball in action. Let us know what you think about it.

Indiegogo Campaign