
Check Out The Simpsons Take on Google Glass


Google Glass has seen its fair share of parody work throughout YouTube, and even on Saturday Night Live. Now the classic animated show that we all know and love, The Simpsons, have taken to Google Glass in their very own way.

The episode aired last Sunday, and it was cleverly titled, “Specs and the City”. It starts off with Mr. Burns fitting all his employes with what they called “Oogle Goggles”, and Homer being Homer, the hilarity ensues with all he sees with the goggles on. You can give yourself a preview of the episode if you have not seen it yet, and if you want to watch the entire episode, click the Hulu link provided below, and let us know what you think of The Simpson’s take on this wearable piece of technology.

Hulu link:The Simpsons: Specs and the City
Source: Phandroid