
[Chrome Ext] Panelize – Finally get multiple windows open on your Chrome OS

Here is a very cool extension aimed at devices like the CR-48’s and the recently released Samsung Series 9 Chrome books.  Those of you that are running them, know how awesome they are to have around. One constant complaint about how the whole thing operates is the lack of panels, or windows if you will. The way the Chrome OS works, it is like having your Chrome browser open on full screen and only being able to access the various tabs. With no previous way to use a panel you were unable to put to web pages side-by-side.

With any new extension comes potential issues. A few potential deal breakers: If you open Pandora or GrooveShark as a panel, when that panel is closed it has a tendency to continue playing. Forcing you to restart your Chrome book. Moving a tab to a panel forces the URL to reload. Be sure to read through all the comments if you have any concerns or questions. Since this is a free extension you could always give it a whirl on your own and decide for your self if it is worth keeping or not.

You can head over to the Chrome Web Store to pick this handy little extension up.