I know, again with the extensions. There was a recent post on Google+ that almost made my jaw drop. The amount of tabs some people are running at one time can get out of hand in a hurry. Especially for us Android enthusiasts. The question was ” How many tabs to you have open right now?” It is a good question. Being a writer I know I am usually painfully navigating 2 or 3 browsers with anywhere from 30 to 50 pages open at a time. It can get a littl crazy sometimes. Tab browsing is great, but often times you get so many tabs open you can’t even see the favicon for the site. There is a simple and very useful solution to this problem, install TooManyTab.
Features - Import tabs data from TooManyTabs for Firefox (NEW) - Bird's eye view of all opened tabs - Clear preview of each tab's content (fills up gradually as you use) - Instant tab search - Sort tabs by creation time, domain or title - Restore recently closed tabs - Suspend idle tabs and save memory, organize with custom columns - Custom themes