
Chrome to Phone Updated

Google is at it again! Several Google Apps received updates today on the market, the latest being Chrome to Phone. If you haven’t ever tried Chrome to Phone, you should, and now is a great time. Released back in August, Chrome to phone allows you to send links, webpages, YouTube videos, Google Maps, etc,  directly to your phone within your Chrome browser using the Chrome to Phone extension. There is also an extension available for Firefox that allows the same functionality.

The latest update adds a new history screen when you open the app from your phone for today, the last 7 days, the last month, and older. We can’t tell you how far back it will go since doing the history usage starts when you install the update, but thankfully there is a clear option. It’s interesting that this option was added when all you have to do is go through your browser history to find a page you visited, but the history is independent from the browser. Selecting one of the items in your history gives you several actions to select, as seen in the screen shot below.

The only issue I’ve seen so far is right after the installation I saw two icons in my app drawer on the T-Mobile myTouch 4G until I performed a reboot. Be sure to download this new update from the market and let us know what you think in the comments.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Chrome to Phone application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Chrome to Phone
Developer: Google
Cost: FREE

Chrome to Phone