
Chromecast just the beginning, Nexus TV rumors start to hit the Web

Google is always looking for better ways to get media and technology into the hands of the billions of people across the globe. While the original Google TV set-top boxes seemed a bit lackluster in their abilities many people still use and love them without fail. Then came the Google Chromecast. Which we all know is a huge seller at $35 and doesn’t require you to have much at all to use. While the Chromecast does quite a bit, it still could use a lot more for it be the do-all device. Google isn’t stopping there though. A new rumor circulating around the web brings to light a Google Nexus TV set-top box that is supposedly slated for an early 2014 release.

Google Nexus TV
The rumor is fresh from The Information news site and story is quite interesting.  They say the Nexus TV box would avoid live broadcast, thus avoiding a lot of headaches with licensing and hassles. In a nutshell, it would mean that you wouldn’t be able to feed your cable or satellite box through it like most Google TV boxes today. It will support the usual Netflix and YouTube content and we are willing to bet that Hulu makes an appearance like it does for the Chromecast. That is a whole other issue that Google TV set-top boxes and Google were never able to work out. None of this should be all that surprising, back in May of this year there were additional rumors that Google and LG wer in talks about a set-top box. After a successful Nexus 4 and Nexus 5, it wouldn’t be to far fetched to think that a Nexus TV of sorts could be right around the corner with an LG stamp on it.

Amazon is said to be hot on the heels of Google this year with their own rumored set-top boxes on the way. Pulling into their extensive video library, on demand movies, Netflix and or avenues of media streaming to your living room.  It looks to be an interesting year for consumers and for our favorite company’s. Google plays some pretty hard numbers and if their is a full fledged Nexus TV set top box that is “aggressively priced” Then we could see these flying off the shelves.

What do you guys think? What does Google need to do to the set-top box category in order to take the top spot? I know KitKat would certainly help make things much nicer.

Source: The Information

Via The Verge