
Chromecast Picks Up WatchESPN, MLS Matchday and Google+ Photo/Videos Support

The $35 Google Chromecast is certainly picking up steam since it was launched. When it came out with a handful of apps, people were excited. Then came the big providers and some of our favorites, like Plex. Since then we have seen home screen changes, games, and more ways to cast from our devices then we really need. Option are good though, it is what makes the Chromecast a must have device, at least in our book.

The Google Chrome Blog has announced today another new partner in the race to be the best value media stick in history. As of today, WatchESPN is now Chromecast supported. That would be the Android app as well as from the browser, if I am not mistaken. As with all major players in the game, the Chrome cast support will only work for you if you have ESPN networks as part of your cable or satellite package.

Another addition to today’s streaming services is MSL Matchday. This one is for all you Football fans out there. No, not pigskin football. Soccer. Again, you need to fork over some cash on a MSL Live subscription to catch all the live games. Cost wise you are looking at $49.99 for access to the whole 2014 season, or you can shell out $15.99 a month.

Finally, we have Google+ photos and videos integration. Just look for the little cast icon in the photos view on your device. Sadly, I don’t see it on any of my devices yet and the Play Store isn’t showing a G+ update either.

Source: Google Chrome Blog