• News
  • 2 November, 2012

Cloud Service Box brings desktop syncing to Users

As an Android junkie, cloud storage services are a must have. There are a number of options out there that all have their differences. From abilities, to free storage space to cross-platform syncing. Some are better than others for some people. If you have been around the block a few times, then you are probably exactly like me, you have just about every cloud storage system out there that you can use on your device and PC. Dropbox comes to mind quit easily and often. So does Box.

Box has been around for quite some time and has its perks along with its downfalls. It looks like they are finally working on solving at least one of the issues that i have had with Box since day 1, and that is desktop file syncing. If you have used Box in the past, then you know what I am talking about. You always had to sign into your Box account through a web browser to upload or download files. Not nearly as convenient as Dropbox is. That is changing though.

If you have a box account then you will probably see the an email with the image you see above. I have installed it and started to use it a little bit. It creates a desktop folder that links to your box account. You will sign into your Box account on a web browser and then select which folders you want to sync with your Box Sync folder. Doesn’t take to long, but I don’t see a way to just sync the entire box account. Meaning you will have to sync each folder one at a time. A bit of a headache if you have a lot of folders for various things. Once it is all set up though, you can just open the folder on your desktop and add or remove files quickly an easily. The new Box Sync app, if you call it that, will work on Windows and Mac. Surprise  surprise, no mention of Linux. Sorry guys.  Take a gander at the demo video provided from Box.

It works and is at least is a step in the right direction. There are still a lot of limitations to it, much like their service in general, and is usually one reason that many people don’t use it a whole lot.

2 Limitations

2.1 File types blocked by Sync
The following file types are blocked by Sync:

  • Temporary files and folders (.tmp and files/folders starting with ~ character)
  • System and hidden files
  • Windows shortcuts
  • Box WebDocs
  • Outlook PST files
  • QuickBook files
  • Google Docs/Spreadsheets

The Box sync service is out and available for all Box account holders that wish to give it a try. No need to wait for a special invite to hit your email account. You can find the 32-bit and 64-bit version for Windows on their support page. You can also log into your box account via a web browser and go to the far right tab labeled ‘Mobile & Sync.’ There you will find the download option as well and on the far right is the link for Mac.

We will play about with it a little bit more. It is a nice addition to have though. I know I use Box strictly for images and small files that don’t really need to be in my primary Dropbox account. Go give it a shot and see what you think, but you might want to cruise through the Box Sync FAQ page too. They cover quite a few do’s and Do not’s.