
Cloud.TV puts Dayframe Prime and HD Widgets on Sale for a Dollar

We are pretty sure that pretty much everyone owns HD widgets. It has hit ever special and promo I can think of over the years since it was launched. It is a great collection of customizable widgets that also pack in a series specifically for the bigger screen phones and tablets.

Cloud.TV HD Widgets
Dayframe Prime on the other hand hasn’t made its rounds too many times just yet. There is a free version of this app available too. In a nutshell, it is an app that turns your device into a living photoframe. We don’t just mean the photos in your device either. Dayframe connects to Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+, Dropbox, Flickr, Twitter, 500px and many others. Giving you a WIDE variety of images to be displayed. Dayframe Prime is the add-on pack for the free version that adds in even more customizations like creating playlists of photo streams, app timer, brightness timer and more.

Dayframe Cloud.TV
Dayframe Prime will be $4.99 when it goes fully out and has been on an early bird special for $2.99 for a little while. For Christmas though, Cloud.TV has put the app up for just $0.99. You should check it out. It would be a great app to have running on a tablet sitting out for your friends and family to see. Just be sure to keep your feeds appropriate for grandma.

Dayframe free – Play Store Link (must be installed to get Dayframe Prime)

Dayframe Prime – Play Store Link

HD Widgets – Play Store Link

FYI – They just made the change, so the price might not reflect just yet.