
Combo Crew will hit Android on May 23rd, swipe your way to the Top

combo crewFighting games, or “button-bashers” as they are fondly known as, are far and few between on Android as the act of bashing buttons is significantly less satisfying on touchscreens (disclaimer: is probably not the actual reason for lack of fighting games). Also quite rare are games that fully utilize touchscreen gestures to suit a game’s genre. Enter Combo Crew, a new game from The Game Bakers, that actually thoughtfully matches a bespoke fighting game style with the frantic play-style akin to button-bashing.

If you don’t know what I’m on about, have a watch of the video below:

As you can see, the gameplay of Combo Crew is wonderfully frantic and looks to use touch in a way that suits the fighting genre on a mobile platform. Also featured in Combo Crew is cross-platform co-op play, between iOS and Android, so you can hop into games with friends, compete with them for high scores and save them when the inevitably need rescuing.

combo crewCombo Crew is due for a May 23rd release date on the Play Store. What are your thoughts about Combo Crew? Let us know below.

Source: The Game Bakers Blog